Undergraduate teaching

I teach a range of Physics and Astrophysics courses on our BSc/MPhys degree programme, in addition to tutorials, labs, and project supervision. All materials for our undergraduate courses can be found on Blackboard. In 2024/25 I am teaching the following modules:

Waves and Quanta (PA1140)

I am the module leader for the first-year core course Waves and Quanta (PA1140), and the lecturer for the first two units of this course. PA1140 runs in the first half of Spring Term.

Quasars and Cosmology (PA3605)

I am the module leader for the third-year astrophysics course Quasars and Cosmology (PA3605), which runs in the Autumn Term; I teach the first half of this module (Cosmology).

Supermassive Black Holes and Large-scale Structure (PA4608)

My other course is the fourth-year astrophysics module Supermassive Black Holes and Large-scale Structure (PA4608), which runs in the Spring Term. I lecture the second half of this module (Supermassive Black Holes), and am also the module leader for this course.

Postgraduate teaching

Postgraduate Research

I am the postgraduate research (PGR) director for the School of Physics & Astronomy. For PGR enquiries and questions, please contact me via pgrphys@leicester.ac.uk.

Formation of Planetary Systems (MPAGS module AS8)

I am the organiser of the postgraduate module Formation of Planetary Systems. This course is taught through MPAGS (module AS8) and normally runs every other year, most recently in 2023/24. Details can be found on the course web-page, along with links to lecture notes and other course materials.

Finally, I continue to run our "Jobs Talk" for astronomy PhD students. The slides from this year's talk, and other materials related to the post-doc job market, can be found here.