I typically give at least a dozen talks and lectures per year (in addition to teaching), to both academic and public audiences. A full list can be found on my travel schedule, and slides/movies from my academic seminars & talks are available on request (via email). These talks are often now recorded, and this page contains a collection of my more significant appearances on video.
I regularly give public lectures and talks on a variety of astronomical and astrophysical topics, particularly exoplanets and super-massive black holes. A few years ago I appeared on the BBC's The Sky at Night, to talk about the history and evolution of the Solar System. The video to the left shows my interview; the complete programme can be found on the BBC iPlayer, or on YouTube.
I'm always keen to visit new places and give talks: please email me if you are interested.
This is a recording of my (virtual) Inaugural Lecture here in Leicester, in January 2022. These lectures are held on the occasion of someone being promoted to professor, and in my case was delayed by almost two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the lecture I review how we find and study exoplanets, and then discuss some of the work our group has done on understanding how planets and planetary systems are formed.
To the right is a recording of my (virtual) colloquium talk at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, in November 2021. In this talk I discuss some of the work on planet formation and disc evolution done by our ERC-funded group over the last few years.
This recording shows my keynote review talk (on disc theory) at the Star Formation 2016 meeting held in Exeter in August 2016. The full recording (including both the overhead slides and video) can be viewed on the conference website here.
The video to the right shows a (rather poor quality) recording of my keynote review talk on planet formation at IAU Symposium #299, in Victoria, Canada, in June 2013. The accompanying review article is available here, or from my publications page.
This video shows my colleague Ilaria Pascucci presenting our review of protoplanetary disc dispersal at the Protostars & Planets VI conference in Heidelberg, Germany, in July 2013; I was the leader of the review team. The PPVI book was published in 2014: our review chapter is available here (preprint), or from my publications page.