My refereed publications can be found via NASA's Astrophysics Data System (ADS): all papers; first-author papers.
Alternatively, click here for a current listing from the astro-ph preprint archive at
Finally, my papers are also listed through my ORCID.
A full list of my papers is below. * indicates papers led by my research students; + denotes papers led by postdoctoral researchers in my group.
5) Dust dynamics in planet-forming discs in binary systems
F.Zagaria, G.P.Rosotti, R.D.Alexander & C.J.Clarke, European Physical Journal Plus, vol 138, article 25 (2023).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
4) Disk evolution and the fate of water
L.Hartmann, F.Ciesla, O.Gressel & R.Alexander.
Chapter in The Delivery of Water to Proto-planets, Planets and Satellites, Space Science Reviews, vol 212, p813-834 (2017).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
3) The dispersal of protoplanetary disks
R.Alexander, I.Pascucci, S.Andrews, P.Armitage & L.Cieza.
Chapter in Protostars & Planets VI, eds. H.Beuther, C.Dullemond, Th.Henning & R.Klessen, University of Arizona Press, p475-496 (2014).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
2) Circumstellar disks and planets: science cases for next-generation optical/infrared long-baseline interferometers
S.Wolf, F.Malbet, R.Alexander, J.-Ph.Berger, M.Creech-Eakman, G.Duchêne, A.Dutrey, C.Mordasini, E.Pantin, F.Pont, J.-U.Pott, E.Tatulli, L.Testi, A&A Review, vol 20, article 52 (2012).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
1) From discs to planetesimals: evolution of gas and dust discs
Chapter in Circumstellar discs and planets at very high angular resolution, New Astronomy Reviews, vol 52, p60-77 (2008).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS; summer school website.
82) Evidence of a disk-wind origin for fluorescent H2 in classical T Tauri stars
M.Kalscheur, K.France, B.Nisini, P.C.Schneider, R.Alexander, J.Eislöffel, J.Campbell-White, H.Shang, M.Gangi, Z.Guo, & S.-J.Chang., AAS Journals, submitted.
81) The ALMA Survey of Gas Evolution of PROtoplanetary Disks (AGE-PRO): VII. Testing accretion mechanisms from disk population synthesis
B.Tabone, G.P.Rosotti, L.Trapman, et al. (27 authors, inc. R.Alexander), AAS Journals, submitted.
80) The PLATO mission
H.Rauer, C.Aerts, J.Cabrera, et al. (826 authors, inc. R.Alexander), Experimental Astronomy, submitted.
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
79*) Compact protoplanetary discs can be produced by dead zones
S.Tong & R.Alexander, MNRAS, in press.
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
78) JWST captures a sudden stellar outburst and inner disk wall destruction
C.Xie, I.Pascucci, D.Deng, N.Bajaj, R.Alexander, A.Sellek, Á.Kóspál, G.Ballabio, & U.Gorti, ApJ, vol 978, article 34 (2025).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
77+) Short-lived gravitational instability in irradiated discs
S.Rowther, D.J.Price, C.Pinte, R.Nealon, F.Meru & R.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 534, p2277–2285 (2024).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
76*) A question of personalities: evolution of viscous and wind-driven protoplanetary discs in the presence of dead zones
S.Tong, R.Alexander & G.Rosotti, MNRAS, vol 533, p1211–1232 (2024).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
75) PHL5038AB: is the brown dwarf causing pollution of its white dwarf host star?
S.L.Casewell, J.Debes, T.J.Dupuy, P.Dufour, A.Bonsor, A.Rebassa-Mansergas,
R.Murillo-Ojeda, J.R.French, R.D.Alexander, M.Thévenot, S.Xu, E.Martin & E.Manjavacas, MNRAS, vol 530, p3302–3309 (2024).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
74) Modeling JWST MIRI-MRS observations of T Cha: mid-IR noble gas emission tracing a dense disk wind
A.D.Sellek, N.S.Bajaj, I.Pascucci, C.J.Clarke, R.Alexander, C.Xie, G.Ballabio, D.Deng, U.Gorti, A.Gaspar & J.Morrison, AJ, vol 167, article 223 (2024).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
73) JWST MIRI-MRS observations of T Cha: discovery of a spatially resolved disk wind
N.S.Bajaj, I.Pascucci, U.Gorti, R.Alexander, A.Sellek, J.Morrison, A.Gaspar, C.Clarke, C.Xie, G.Ballabio & D.Deng, AJ, vol 167, article 127 (2024).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
72+) The role of drag and gravity on dust concentration in a gravitationally unstable disc
S.Rowther, R.Nealon, F.Meru, J.Wurster, H.Aly, R.Alexander, K.Rice & R.A.Booth, MNRAS, vol 528, p2490-2500 (2024).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
71) The distribution of accretion rates as a diagnostic of protoplanetary disc evolution
R.Alexander, G.Rosotti, P.J.Armitage, G.J.Herczeg, C.F.Manara & B.Tabone, MNRAS, vol 524, p3948–3957 (2023).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
70) The surprising evolution of the shadow on the TW Hya disk
J.Debes, R.Nealon, R.Alexander, A.J.Weinberger, S.G.Wolff, D.Hines, J.Kastner, H.Jang-Condell, C.Pinte, P.Plavchan & L.Pueyo, ApJ, vol 948, article 36 (2023).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
69) Lyα scattering models trace accretion and outflow kinematics in T Tauri systems
N.Arulanantham, M.Gronke, E.Fiorellino, J.Gameiro, A.Frasca, J.Green, S.-J.Chang, R.Claes, C.Espaillat, K.France, G.Herczeg, C.Manara, L.Venuti, P.Ábrahám, R.Alexander, J.Bouvier, J.Campbell-White, J.Eislöffel, W.Fischer, Á.Kóspál & M.Vioque, ApJ, vol 944, article 185 (2023).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
68) X-ray and UV radiation in the planet-forming T-Tauri system PDS 70: signs of accretion and coronal activity
S.R.G.Joyce, J.P.Pye, J.D.Nichols, R.Alexander, M.Güdel & D.Barrado, MNRAS, vol 519, p4514–4528 (2023).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
67) An unusual reservoir of water emission in the VV CrA A protoplanetary disk
C.Salyk, K.M.Pontoppidan, A.Banzatti, U.Käufl, C.Hall, I.Pascucci, A.Carmona, G.A.Blake, R.Alexander & I.Kamp, AJ, vol 164, article 136 (2022).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
66) Inward and outward migration of massive planets: moving towards a stalling radius
C.E.Scardoni, C.J.Clarke, G.P.Rosotti, R.A.Booth, R.D.Alexander & E.Ragusa, MNRAS, vol 514, p5478-5492 (2022).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
65+) Characteristics of small protoplanetary disc warps in kinematic observations
A.K.Young, R.Alexander, G.Rosotti & C.Pinte, MNRAS, vol 513, p487-502 (2022).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
64) The ODYSSEUS Survey. I. Motivation and First Results: Accretion, Ejection, and Disk Irradiation of CVSO 109
C.C.Espaillat, G.J.Herczeg, T.Thanathibodee, et al. (62 authors, inc. R.D.Alexander), AJ, vol 163, article 114 (2022).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
63+) Chemical signatures of a warped protoplanetary disc
A.K.Young, R.Alexander, C.Walsh, R.Nealon, A.Booth & C.Pinte, MNRAS, vol 505, p4821-4837 (2021).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
62+) An upper limit for the growth of inner planets?
A.J.Winter & R.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 505, p869-888 (2021).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
61) Evidence for an MHD disk wind via optical forbidden line spectro-astrometry
E.T.Whelan, I.Pascucci, U.Gorti, S.Edwards, R.D.Alexander, M.F.Sterzik & C.Melo, ApJ, vol 913, article 43 (2021).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
60*) HD 143006: circumbinary planet or misaligned disc?
G.Ballabio, R.Nealon, R.D.Alexander, N.Cuello, C.Pinte, D.J.Price, MNRAS, vol 504, p888-897 (2021).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
59+) Predicting the kinematic evidence of gravitational instability
C.Hall, R.Dong, R.Teague, J.Terry, C.Pinte, T.Paneque-Carreño, B.Veronesi, R.D.Alexander & G.Lodato, ApJ, vol 904, article 148 (2020).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
58) The Evolution of Disk Winds from a Combined Study of Optical and Infrared Forbidden Lines
I.Pascucci, A.Banzatti, U.Gorti, M.Fang, K.Pontoppidan, R.Alexander, G.Ballabio, S.Edwards, C.Salyk, G.Sacco, E.Flaccomio, G.A.Blake, A.Carmona, C.Hall, I.Kamp, H.Käufl, G.Meeus, M.Meyer, T.Pauly, S.Steendam & M.Sterzik, ApJ, vol 903, article 78 (2020).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
57+) Spirals, shadows & precession in HD 100453 – II. The hidden companion
R.Nealon, N.Cuello, J.-F. Gonzales, G. van der Plas, C.Pinte, R.Alexander, F.Ménard & D.Price, MNRAS, vol 499, p3857-3867 (2020).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
56+) The evolution of large cavities and disc eccentricity in circumbinary discs
E.Ragusa, R.Alexander, J.Calcino, K.Hirsh & D.J.Price, MNRAS, vol 499, p3362–3380 (2020).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
55*) Forbidden line diagnostics of photoevaporative disc winds
G.Ballabio, R.D.Alexander & C.J.Clarke, MNRAS, vol 496, p 2932–2945 (2020).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
54) NGTS J214358.5-380102 - NGTS discovery of the most eccentric known M-Dwarf binary system
J.Acton, M.R.Goad, L.Raynard, et al. (26 authors, inc. R.Alexander), MNRAS, vol 494, p3950-3961 (2020).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
53+) Flyby-induced misalignments in planet-hosting discs
R.Nealon, N.Cuello & R.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 491, p4108-4115 (2020).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
52) A Swift view of X-ray and UV radiation in the planet-forming T Tauri system PDS 70
S.R.G.Joyce, J.P.Pye, J.D.Nichols., K.L.Page, R.Alexander & Y.Metodieva, MNRAS (Letters), MNRAS, vol 491, p L56-L60 (2020).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
51) Flybys in protoplanetary discs - II. observational signatures
N.Cuello, F.Louvet, D.Mentiplay, C.Pinte, D.J.Price, A.J.Winter, R.Nealon, F.Ménard, G.Lodato, G.Dipierro, V.Christiaens, M.Montesinos, J.Cuadra, G.Laibe, L.Cieza, R.Dong, R.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 491, p504-514 (2020).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
50+) A solution to the proplyd lifetime problem
A.J.Winter, C.J.Clarke, G.P.Rosotti, A.Hacar & R.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 490, p5478-5493 (2019).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
49+) Scattered light shadows in warped protoplanetary discs
R.Nealon, C.Pinte, R.Alexander, D.Mentiplay & G.Dipierro, MNRAS, vol 484, p4951-4962 (2019).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
48+) The temporal requirements of directly observing self-gravitating spiral waves in protoplanetary discs with ALMA
C.Hall, R.Dong, K.Rice, T.J.Harries, J.Najita, R.Alexander & S.Brittain, ApJ, vol 871, article 228 (2019).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
47) NGTS-2b: an inflated hot Jupiter transiting a bright F-dwarf
L.Raynard, M.R.Goad, E.Gillen, et al. (45 authors, inc. R.Alexander), MNRAS, vol 481, p4960-4970 (2018).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
46+) Warping a protoplanetary disc with a planet on an inclined orbit
R.Nealon, G.Dipierro, R.Alexander, R.Martin & C.Nixon, MNRAS, vol 481, p20-35 (2018).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
45+) Gas and multi-species dust dynamics in viscous protoplanetary discs: the importance of the dust back-reaction
G.Dipierro, G.Laibe, R.Alexander & M.Hutchison, MNRAS, vol 479, p4187-4206 (2018).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
44+) Is the spiral morphology of the Elias 2-27 circumstellar disc due to gravitational instability?
C.Hall, W.K.M.Rice, G.Dipierro, D.H.Forgan, T.J.Harries & R.D.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 477, p1004-1014 (2018).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
43+) Rings and gaps in the disc around Elias 24 revealed by ALMA
G.Dipierro, L.Ricci, L.Pérez, G.Lodato, R.D.Alexander, G.Laibe, S.Andrews, J.Carpenter, C.Chandler, J.Greaves, C.Hall, T.Henning, W.Kwon,
H.Linz, L.G.Mundy, A.Sargent, S.Storm, M.Tazzari, L.Testi & D.Wilner, MNRAS, vol 475, p5296-5312 (2018).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
42) NGTS-1b: a hot Jupiter transiting an M-dwarf
D.Bayliss, E.Gillen, P.Eigmüller, et al. (43 authors, inc. R.D.Alexander), MNRAS, vol 475, p4467-4475 (2018).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
41*) Breaking mean-motion resonances during Type I planet migration
T.O.Hands & R.D.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 474, p3998-4009 (2018).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
40) A self-similar solution for thermal disc winds
C.J.Clarke & R.D.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 460, 3044-3051 (2016).
Erratum: MNRAS, vol 482, 1982 (2019).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS; erratum.
39*) There might be giants: unseen Jupiter-mass planets as sculptors of tightly-packed planetary systems
T.O.Hands & R.D.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 456, p4121-4127 (2016).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
38) Magnetospheres of hot Jupiters: hydrodynamic models & ultraviolet absorption
R.D.Alexander, G.A.Wynn, H.Mohammed, J.D.Nichols & B.Ercolano, MNRAS, vol 456, p2766-2778 (2016).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
37) Probing the final stages of protoplanetary disk evolution with ALMA
A.Hardy, C.Caceres, M.R.Schreiber, L.Cieza, R.D.Alexander, H.Canovas, J.P.Williams & Z.Wahhaj, A&A, vol 583, article A66 (2015).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
36) The evolution of inner disk gas in transition disks
K.Hoadley, K.France, R.D.Alexander, M.McJunkin & P.C.Schneider, ApJ, vol 812, article 41 (2015).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
35) Hubble Space Telescope observations of the NUV transit of WASP-12b
J.D.Nichols, G.A.Wynn, M.Goad, R.D.Alexander, S.L.Casewell, S.W.H.Cowley, M.R.Burleigh, J.T.Clarke & D.Bisikalo, ApJ, vol 803, article 9 (2015).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
34*) Misaligned accretion on to supermassive black hole binaries
A.C.Dunhill, R.D.Alexander, C.J.Nixon & A.R.King, MNRAS, vol 445, p2285-2296 (2014).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
Movies of the simulations in this paper can be found here.
33*) Understanding the assembly of Kepler's compact planetary systems
T.O.Hands, R.D.Alexander & W.Dehnen, MNRAS, vol 445, p749-760 (2014).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
32*) The curiously circular orbit of Kepler-16b
A.C.Dunhill & R.D.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 435, p2328-2334 (2013).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
Movies of the simulations in this paper can be found here.
31) Formation of circumbinary planets in a dead zone
R.G.Martin, P.J.Armitage & R.D.Alexander, ApJ, vol 773, article 74 (2013).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
30) Hot gas lines in T Tauri stars
D.R.Ardila, G.J.Herczeg, S.G.Gregory, L.Ingleby, K.France, A.Brown, S.Edwards, J.L.Linsky, H.Yang, J.M.Brown, J.A.Valenti, C.Johns-Krull, R.D.Alexander, E.Bergin, T.Bethell, N.Calvet, C.Espaillat, H.Abgrall, L.A.Hillenbrand, G.Hussain, E.Roueff, E.R.Schindhelm, F.M.Walter, ApJS, vol 207, article 1 (2013).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
29) Accretion rates for T Tauri stars using nearly simultaneous ultraviolet and optical spectra
L.Ingleby, N.Calvet, G.Herczeg, A.Blaty, F.Walter, D.Ardila, R.Alexander, S.Edwards, C.Espaillat, S.G.Gregory, L.Hillenbrand & A.Brown, ApJ, vol 767, article 112 (2013).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
28*) A limit on eccentricity growth from global 3-D simulations of disc-planet interactions
A.C.Dunhill, R.D.Alexander & P.J.Armitage, MNRAS, vol 428, p3072-3082 (2013).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
Click here for associated animations.
27) WD0837+185: the formation and evolution of an extreme mass ratio white dwarf-brown dwarf binary in Praesepe
S.L.Casewell, M.R.Burleigh, G.A.Wynn, R.D.Alexander, R.Napiwotzki, K.A.Lawrie, P.D.Dobbie, R.F.Jameson & S.T.Hodgkin, ApJ (Letters), vol 759, article L34 (2012).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
26) The dispersal of protoplanetary disks around binary stars
R.Alexander, ApJ (Letters), vol 757, article L29 (2012).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
25) A Hubble Space Telescope Survey of H2 Emission in the Circumstellar Environments of Young Stars
K.France, E.Schindhelm, G.J.Herczeg, A.Brown, H.Abgrall, R.D.Alexander, E.A.Bergin, J.M.Brown, J.L.Linsky, E.Roueff, & H.Yang, ApJ, vol 756, article 171 (2012).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
24) Deserts and pile-ups in the distribution of exoplanets due to photoevaporative disc clearing
R.D.Alexander & I.Pascucci, MNRAS (Letters), vol 422, p L82-L86 (2012).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
23*) Galactic Centre star formation: the case of the missing gas disc
R.D.Alexander, S.L.Smedley, S.Nayakshin & A.R.King, MNRAS, vol 419, p1970-1976 (2012).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
22) The relationship between accretion disc age and stellar age and its consequences for protostellar discs
M.G.Jones, J.E.Pringle & R.D.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 419, p925-935 (2012).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
21) NUV Excess in Slowly Accreting T Tauri Stars: Limits Imposed by Chromospheric Emission
L.Ingleby, N.Calvet, E.Bergin, G.Herczeg, A.Brown, R.Alexander, S.Edwards, C.Espaillat, K.France, S.G.Gregory, L.Hillenbrand, E.Roueff, J.Valenti, F.Walter, J.Brown, J.Linsky, M.McClure, D.Ardila, H.Abgrall, T.Bethell, G.Hussain, H.Yang, ApJ, vol 743, article 105 (2011).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
20) Disc instability in RS Ophiuchi: a path to Type Ia supernovae?
R.D.Alexander, G.A.Wynn, A.R.King & J.E.Pringle, MNRAS, vol 418, p2576-2583 (2011).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
19) The photoevaporative wind from the disk of TW Hya
I.Pascucci, M.Sterzik, R.D.Alexander, S.H.P.Alencar, U.Gorti, D.Hollenbach, J.Owen, B.Ercolano & S.Edwards, ApJ, vol 376, article 13 (2011).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
18*) Global gravitational instabilities in discs with infall
D.Harsono, R.D.Alexander & Y.Levin, MNRAS, vol 413, p423-433 (2011).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
17) Radiation-hydrodynamic models of X-ray & EUV photoevaporating protoplanetary discs
J.E.Owen, B.Ercolano, C.J.Clarke & R.D.Alexander, MNRAS, vol 401, p1415-1428 (2010).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
16) Giant planet migration, disk evolution, and the origin of transitional disks
R.D.Alexander & P.J.Armitage, ApJ, vol 704, p989-1001 (2009).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
15) Massive black hole binary mergers within sub-pc scale gas discs
J.Cuadra, P.J.Armitage, R.D.Alexander & M.C.Begelman, MNRAS, vol 393, p1423-1432 (2009).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
14) [NeII] emission line profiles from photoevaporative disc winds
R.D.Alexander, MNRAS (Letters), vol 391, p L64-L68 (2008).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
13) Binary formation and mass function variations in fragmenting discs with short cooling times
R.D.Alexander, P.J.Armitage & J.Cuadra, MNRAS, vol 389, p1655-1664 (2008).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
12) Stellar dynamical evidence against a cold disc origin for stars in the Galactic Centre
J.Cuadra, P.J.Armitage & R.D.Alexander, MNRAS (Letters), vol 388, p L64-L68 (2008).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
11) Self-gravitating fragmentation of eccentric accretion disks
R.D.Alexander, P.J.Armitage, J.Cuadra & M.C.Begelman, ApJ, vol 674, p927-935 (2008).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
10) The Monitor project: JW 380 - a 0.26, 0.15 Mo pre-main-sequence eclipsing binary in the Orion Nebula Cluster
J.Irwin, S.Aigrain, S.Hodgkin, K.G.Stassun, L.Hebb, M.Irwin, E.Moraux, J.Bouvier, A.Alapini, R.Alexander, D.M.Bramich, J.Holtzmann, E.L.Martín, M.J.McCaughrean, F.Pont, P.E.Verrier & M.R.Zapatero Osorio, MNRAS, vol 380, p541-550 (2007).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.
9) Dust dynamics during protoplanetary disc clearing
R.D.Alexander & P.J.Armitage, MNRAS, vol 375, p500-512 (2007).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
8) Constraints on the Stellar Mass Function from Stellar Dynamics at the Galactic Center
R.D.Alexander, M.C.Begelman & P.J.Armitage, ApJ, vol 654, p907-914 (2007).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
7) Photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs II: evolutionary models and observable properties
R.D.Alexander, C.J.Clarke & J.E.Pringle, MNRAS, vol 369, p229-239 (2006).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
6) Photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs I: hydrodynamic models
R.D.Alexander, C.J.Clarke & J.E.Pringle, MNRAS, vol 369, p216-228 (2006).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
5) The Stellar Mass-Accretion Rate Relation in T Tauri Stars and Brown Dwarfs
R.D.Alexander & P.J.Armitage, ApJ (Letters), vol 639, p L83-L86 (2006).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
4) Constraints on the ionizing flux emitted by T Tauri stars
R.D.Alexander, C.J.Clarke & J.E.Pringle, MNRAS, vol 358, p283-290 (2005).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
3) The effects of X-ray photoionization and heating on the structure of circumstellar discs
R.D.Alexander, C.J.Clarke & J.E.Pringle, MNRAS, vol 354, p71-80 (2004).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
2) On the origin of ionizing photons emitted by T Tauri stars
R.D.Alexander, C.J.Clarke & J.E.Pringle, MNRAS, vol 348, p879-884 (2004).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
1) ISOCAM-CVF Spectroscopy of the Circumstellar Environment of Young Stellar Objects
R.D.Alexander, M.M.Casali, P.André, P.Persi & C.Eiroa, A&A, vol 401, p613-624 (2003).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
The spectra in this paper are available on request, and can also be obtained as Highly Processed Data Products (HPDP) from the ISO data archive.
Planet formation in evolving protoplanetary discs
Invited review in proceedings of IAU Symposium 299, "Exploring the formation and evolution of planetary systems", eds. M.Booth, B.Matthews & J.Graham, p179-189 (2014).
preprint (PDF); astro-ph; NASA ADS.
Gas Evolution in Protoplanetary Disks
P.Woitke, B.Dent, W.-F.Thi, B.Sibthorpe, W.K.M.Rice, J.Williams, A.Sicilia-Aguilar, J.Brown, I.Kamp, I.Pascucci, R.Alexander, A.Roberge.
Proceedings of Cool Stars 15, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol 1094, p225-233 (2009).
astro-ph; NASA ADS.