Job Opportunities
AAS Job Register: main source for astronomy job adverts - almost all postdoc jobs are advertised here (not just US).
RAS Jobs emailing list: has some jobs not on AAS. all UK academic jobs adverts.
1851 Fellowships.
RAS Fellowships: these are no longer offered every year - looks like there's no call in 2023.
Royal Society funding: Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships, etc.
STFC Fellowships (Rutherford and FLF are aimed at more senior researchers; no post-doc fellowships since 2009/10.)
Participants Portal for EU Horizon funding schemes. Some post-doc funding available (such as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships).
Astronomy Jobs Rumour Mill. Gossip/info about who has been offered what. Also a reasonably comprehensive list of what jobs are available at present. (More reliable now that it used to be, as the wiki format tends to be self-correcting. Not always accurate though, and occasionally a bit crazy.)
Other sources of advice
Sera Markoff gives a similar annual talk in Amsterdam - her slides are available on her website. (Sera's slides are really good.)
Matt Kenworthy (Leiden) has some words of advice for early-career researchers that should be required reading for anyone on the post-doc job market.
Brian Gaensler (Dunlap/Toronto) and Sarah Maddison (Monash) have compiled a detailed set of notes on job applications in academia (with an Australian focus, but lots of excellent general advice).
AstroBetter blog on writing fellowship applications.
Information on astronomy careers
(Old) RAS Report on astronomy careers in the UK (2005).
RAS Demographic Survey (2016).
AAS Careers in astronomy pages.
(Old) Science feature on careers in astronomy (2006).
UK-specific article from above.
2020 US Decadal Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics. The "state of the profession" sections present a lot of recent info & stats on the US job market. The "Community Input" section also has several white papers on careers and the job market (notably those by Kamenetzky et al and Moravec et al).
(Old) article on career stats in the US (presented at 2007 AAS meeting).
Compilation of AAS Astronomy Career Profiles. (2011)
STFC astronomy grants panel (AGP) "community report" (2022, most recent completed cycle). Contains plots and data on UK astro / planetary science PDRA numbers, and some interesting commentary. (This report is published annually by the panel chair - older versions are also available.)
"What do astronomers want from the STFC?". Astronomy Advisory Panel (AAP) report 2019 - contains stats / plots on funding sources, and relevant discussion/commentary.
STFC Balance of Programmes report (2020), reviewing science and funding priorities (including PDRA & fellowship funding) across the STFC science areas.
What Does a Successful Postdoctoral Fellowship Publication Record Look Like? - 2018 paper analysing publication records of current/recent NASA prize fellowship holders.