I am a Professor of Astrophysics in the School of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Leicester.

My work looks at how planets form in discs around young stars like our Sun, how stars form, and how super-massive black holes grow. Most of my work involves building theoretical and numerical models of these systems, in order to try and understand how they behave and evolve. For a more detailed description, please see my research page.

My research is currently funded by STFC. In recent years my work has also been supported by the Leverhulme Trust and the European Research Council. I am co-director of the Leicester Centre for Exoplanet Research.


I grew up in Fife, in southern Scotland, and studied in Edinburgh and Cambridge. I then worked as a post-doc in Colorado and Leiden before joining the faculty in Leicester.

A summary CV is available here (PDF); my travel schedule is here.

Current students & post-docs

Sahl Rowther - STFC post-doc
Simin Tong - PhD student

List of former group members

Contact Details

email: richard.alexander (at) leicester.ac.uk

School of Physics & Astronomy
University of Leicester
Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK